Author: chyenab

30 days before Yud Shvat

It is well known the announcement of the Frierdiker Rebbe to every Jew, “Stand ready and united”, to be prepared in the most complete and proper way to greet Moshiach, since everything has been completed. As we are approaching the Frierdiker Rebbe’s Yartzheit, which is a Yom Segulah, we ought to stengthen ourselves in fulfilling this Hora’ah of standing prepared, through finishing to polish the buttons. Since this is so important, it needs a lot of preparation, of at least thirty days. Therefore it is my suggestion and my request, that for the next thirty days, as a preparation for Yud Shvat, every individual, even children, should add in learning Torah and in giving Tzedakah, in addition to what’s learned and given already. May it be that immediately, at the beginning of this thirty day period, we should be redeemed, and automatically we’ll celebrate Yud Shvat together with the Frierdiker Rebbe and Moshiach Tzidkeinu at our head.

How will these 30 days be more infused with meaning and purpose?

Overlook our faults

In the Selichos of Asara B’teves, we say “G-d, redeem the Jews from all their troubles,” and only then do we say “and He will redeem the Jews from all their sins.” This is not the the original order of the Pesukim in Tehilim, but we are asking Hashem, and we are sure that he will hear our Tefilos, to first and foremost redeem us from our troubles, by taking us out of Galus. He should do so before we do Teshuva, and our sins should not prevent the Geula. Even if someone is not worthy, Hashem should redeem them from Galus, and overlook any faults, and only after redeeming us from our troubles , should He redeem us from our sins. Especially now, once Yidden actually already did Teshuva, Hashem should redeem us from our troubles, immediately!

May this be the last fast in Galus- may we know no more pain!

A humble leader

In the Haftorah of Parshas Vayigash, it says that “David, my servant, will be a prince for them forever.” The Frierdiker Rebbe explains that Moshiach will be called David, for David Hamelech, even though he was a king, epitomized true humility. Similarly, Moshiach, even though he will be the greatest of men, learning Torah with Moshe Rabbeinu and the Avos, will exemplify absolute humility and will learn as well with the simplest of people. Being that all the revelations that will take place when Moshiach comes are dependent on our actions in Galus, it is understood that we too must teach Torah to simple people. We need to teach with utmost humility, focusing on the student we’re teaching rather than what’s in it for us. This will be a catalyst for the fulfillment of the promise that “My servant David will be a prince for them forever” – with the coming of Moshiach now!


A dose of humility will bring about the coming of the most humble leader – Moshiach himself.

Confidence in our Yiddishkeit!

This week’s parsha opens with Yehuda approaching Yosef, “Vayigash Eilav Yehudah.” Yehudah, though he was an immigrant in Egypt, stood confidently before the Egyptian ruler, and he approached Yosef with strength and conviction. There were many generations where Yidden did not have the ability to assert themselves in this manner, when the nations of the world enacted decrees against them, and did not allow them to stand strong in what they believed in. However, in our day and age, Yidden have the freedom to express themselves in any manner they so wish. In this climate, Yidden ought to stand tall and proud in all matters pertaining to Yiddishkeit. Learning from Yehuda’s strength in approaching Yosef, we must be strong in our Yiddishkeit, with the conviction that the world was created for the Yidden. This will bring about the fulfillment of the promise that “My servant David will be a leader for them forever.”


In matters of Yiddishkeit, we should stand tall and proud!

Buy more books!

We are still within three days of Hei Teves, the day that the Seforim and writings of our Rebbeim were “redeemed from their captivity.” This was in full agreement and support of the legal system, when the nations of the world, in federal court, delivered the verdict that the Seforim belong to the Chassidim. However, there are still more writings and manuscripts of the Rebbeim in captivity in Russia, and they were not returned to their rightful owners. What could we do to to jumpstart the return of those Seforim? The answer is simple. Through every single person purchasing Seforim, expanding their library with holy books, and even giving books to children, to increase in learning Torah. Doing this will cause the Seforim to be returned , and we will witness both the redemption of the Seforim, as well as the redemption of all Yidden from Galus.

Peaceful Redemption comes from within

The Pasuk “Padah B’Shalom…,” in addition to the simple meaning referring to Hashem redeeming David HaMelech from his attackers, it also hints to the redemption of a number of Tzaddikim. And especially those who were saying this Pasuk at a time when they were being redeemed. It is noteworthy that all three Rebbeim who were redeemed (The Alter Rebbe on 19 Kislev, the Mitteler Rebbe on 10 Kislev, and the Frierdiker Rebbe on 12 Tammuz) were saying this Pasuk at the time when they were redeemed.

The Mitteler Rebbe, in his Maamar on this Pasuk, explains the emphasis of the redemption being peacefully, B’Shalom. The ultimate peace is when there is no opposer at all. Similar to the way it was in Shlomo HaMelech’s time, when all of the nations were completely nullified. Because as long as there is an opposer, even if he technically does not attack or fight, out of fear, that’s not true peace. True peace is when there is no potential of an attacker either, and there’s no place for war at all.

This is the reason why the Yartzeit of the Mitteler Rebbe is the day before his Chag HaGeulah. Because through the fact that his peaceful redemption was after his entire life’s work, which was bittul, it brought this revelation also to those who are connected to him. And they do not need any preparation. All that’s needed is the will. And it’s within everyone’s reach, even without going out of his own situation, to redeem himself peacefully. And through this to redeem the entire world, with the coming of Moshiach, may it be speedily in our days!

Redeem yourself, redeem the world!