Author: chyenab

“Powerful cue from the Frierdiker Rebbe’s 3 Tammuz oration!”

When the Frierdiker Rebbe was released from exile on the 3rd of Tammuz (5687), he delivered a passionate speech in which he declared “it is not by our own will, that we have been exiled, neither is it due to our own power and merits that we will be released! It is rather our Father, our King, who has exiled us, and it is the Almighty One, blessed be He, who will redeem us”!

Reflecting on this statement, we may learn a very empowering message: since “it is not due to our merits that we will be released”, rather it is all orchestrated by the will of our Father in heaven, we can deduce that Moshiach is destined to arrive despite my personal inadequacy that requires amendment.

It is therefore clear: whilst each one of us must continue to expand our efforts in spreading Torah and Judaism, we must not feel weakened in our request and demand for the Geulah now and our outcry of “Ad Mosai”?!

And may it be Hashem’s will; from the mere discussion of the Geulah, we shall merit to celebrate 12-13 Tammuz with the Rebbe—Neshama B’guf!

“The time is ‘ripe’ for Moshiach, even though I may be just beginning in my personal life!”

Our ‘Nasi Hador’ attested that all areas of work have been completed making the world ready for redemption, this includes even the ‘polishing of the buttons’ (finishing touches)! Today we stand ready to welcome Moshiach.

One may question “When I reflect on my personal level, I know there remains much to be desired and rectified, how can the world around me really be ready to welcome Moshiach?!”

The answer is that while it’s true that each person must continue to repair their ‘personal’ actions, this does not contradict the Rebbe’s testament, that on a ‘universal’ level, throughout the generations, all work has been completed! There remains no obstacle withholding Moshiach’s arrival.
We therefore must ready ourselves to ‘Welcome Moshiach’ today!

‘Sprinting’ into action, will catalyze the Geulah!

There are those who feel, that they have already done so much to bring Moshiach, and there is nothing more to do?!
The answer is: seeing that Moshiach has still not arrived, is a clear indication that we must continue to add in all of our actions! Additionally it is not just the ‘act’ that brings Moshiach,  but also the manner with which it is carried out.

By us adding a sense of speed and urgency to our actions, a chain reaction is generated causing the Geulah to sprint towards us!

The summer is ‘Prime Time’  for adding efforts that will hasten the Geulah!

Coming from the special day of 3 Tammuz, the calling for each one of us, is to add more strength in our efforts of spreading Torah, Yiddishkeit & the wellsprings of Chassidus. The summer is a time when all kids go off to camp, it is therefore incumbent upon all of us, to ensure that all Jewish children are attending a camp built with the goal of providing a proper Jewish education. Additionally, it is incumbent upon those involved in ‘Chinuch’, to ensure that each moment of the summer is utilized to its maximum, infusing life and joy in ‘all things Jewish’.

We must recognize that the world around us is eager to help bring forward the growth of the Geulah. And we must pursue these activities,  in a hastily manner without delay! These activities, will surely usher in the time when “King Moshiach” will sacrifice the 10th red heifer… speedily in our times Amen!

Mission Statement for the 7th Generation

The final period of Golus is called: ”Ikvisa DiMishicha” when we experience signs indicating that we are in the stage of the “footsteps of Moshiach”… Today, we are already in the ‘final phase’ of the “footsteps” stage.

The mission of the 7th generation is to complete the process, by drawing down the complete Shechina, enabling it to reside within our world. this is accomplished by taking our passion for materialism -which we all possess- and channeling it, becoming ‘passionate’ about all aspects of G-dliness & Geulah.

Our Rebbe who descends from the house of Dovid Hamelech and witnesses our pain, “bearing our suffering”, was “pierced for our transgressions”, and “crushed for our iniquities”; will surely also lead his ‘flock’ to the Geulah, redeeming us from our spiritual and physical exile, and connect us with the essence of Hashem.
But now it’s up to us -the 7th generation – to bring this about; may we merit to see the Rebbe within the physical existence of this world! and he will redeem us!

A novel idea to ensure one remains effective in the heavens even after one has passed away

There is a well-known story told about a great person who promised that when he passes away, he will continue to storm the heavens that Hashem must bring the Geuah! As time has passed and Moshiach had not come, another great person said – concerning the first ‘Gadol’ – that seemingly when he ascended the heavens they treated him to such high revelations, which caused him to “forget” his promise. The 2nd ‘Gadol’ assured everyone that he would not allow himself to be bribed…However, as we can see, Moshiach still isn’t here. It seems he too was ‘bought’ off…

There seems to be only one solution, that one can make to ascertain that he will not be bribed into silence! that is: to make a Neder (Vow) based on the Authoritative understanding of the public, of which the Halacha is that it cannot be annulled. (see Gittin 36) Thereby obligating the heavenly courts to allow the person to keep his vow.
… This leads us to be reassured that very soon Moshiach will be revealed speedily in our time.